Five lies TERFs tell about the trans community – debunked - PinkNews

Five lies TERFs tell about the trans community – debunked - PinkNews
By: Fashion Posted On: November 13, 2023 View: 502

Five lies TERFs tell about the trans community – debunked - PinkNews

A partially pixelated transgender Pride flag edited into a graphic of trans identities.

Sadly, there is still too much misinformation that targets trans and non-binary people in service of an anti-trans agenda.

Many of the arguments made to justify transphobia stem from either a misguided gut feeling about how humans are supposed to function, or conspiracy theories spawned from discredited studies or reports.

However they come about, no lie is bigger than the claim that trans people either don’t exist or aren’t valid.

We’ve debunked just a few of the myths that transphobes and TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) rely on when attempting to explain away the existence of trans and non-binary folks.

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