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Escort Transsexuelle - Suisse

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13 - 16 Feb Giselleblnx Visite: Zurich

Annonces Premium

Hello guys... I\'m Jessica Finally I\'m back physically renewed, thinner but always with a round ass and beautiful, soft and hot hair and I\'m full of positive energy to fully satisfy my clients... I\'m very close for city center…….call me for more info :) :) The more you run, the better... I ARRIVED WITH ENERGY, FRESH AND VERY HOT, EXOTIC LATINA XTRAAAA SEXY AND TANNED! I am the perfect shemale for straight men who want to try a skinny sex addicted horny tranny, because my dick with your ass fits perfectly and painless... mutual blowjobs with 69 position;; I suck like or better than a vacuum cleaner.. POWERFUL CONTINUOUSLY SOFT BUT DEEP until the last drop of your semen in my mouth full blown kisses and wonderful massage... call me now for more information because I am very horny and I am now called. .. I want to cum in your mouth... No response SMS and private call, thanks
Jessica Valle Geneva Transex Hello guys... I\'m Jessica Finally I\'m back physically renewed, thinner but always with a round ass and beautiful, soft and hot hair and I\'m full of positive energy to fully satisfy my clients... I\'m very close for city center…….call me for more info :) :)

The more you run, the better...


I am the perfect shemale for straight men who want to try a skinny sex addicted horny tranny, because my dick with your ass fits perfectly and painless... mutual blowjobs with 69 position;; I suck like or better than a vacuum cleaner.. POWERFUL CONTINUOUSLY SOFT BUT DEEP until the last drop of your semen in my mouth full blown kisses and wonderful massage... call me now for more information because I am very horny and I am now called. .. I want to cum in your mouth... No response SMS and private call, thanks
Jessica Valle
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
TS PATRICIA THE BEST PORTUGUESE ESCORT TRANS!!! HOT SEX VIDEOS! A LOT OF SPERME IN MY ONLYFANS! SEX AND HOT LIVES OF SEX! TWITTER: TSPATRICIAHOT22 MORE hot VÍDEOS AND hot PHOTOS:❤️❤️ HELLO MOI CHERIS ! Je suis une belle jeune transexuelle de classe , mon nom cest Ts Patricia, tres feminine, jeune avec une sensualite incroyable. VIENT ESSAYER UNE PETIT FILLE AVEC A GRAND SURPRISE!!Sexuellement je suis tres active car je suis accro au sexe!! Je adore toute le formes de sex, JE ADORE EMBRASSE SUR LA BOUCHE AVEC MOI LANGUE, je aime FAIS le amour avec toi mon bebe, je suis habitue aux debutants, couples et monsieur murs.j'adore controler un homme et fais la domination hard. Mais si tu preference cest une transexuelle douce, sympa,sensual je suis perfect à effectuer.Je fais toute que tu veux mon cheris: BELLES SOIREES, PATIENTE,J'aime LES BONNES FETES BLANC DOMINATION SOFT, DOMINATION HARD,UROLOGIE,FIST SUR VOUS,JE A LE VETEMENTS POUR TRAVESTISSEMENT, LATEX, VINYLE.VIENT VITE JE SUIS PRETE A JOUIR!! JE TRAIVALLER 24H/24H!!Je recois dans un apartment prive, l'hygiene irreprochable. BEAUTIFULL TRANSEXUAL ONLY FOR YOU !! Hello my name is Patricia Hot, I am a very sexy girl with class and elegance unique. A luxury of girl available only for give you a perfect and hot time it me , if you want a feminine girl i am perfect for that.'m sweet, calm, I love kissing. My weight 68kg, 1.70 high and a good and hot suprise for you my baby. I like to be it my babys in complete privacy and discretion, also If you want I can visit you in your hotel or in your home. I offer good drinks , sado light, gangbang with girls and trans, massage prostatic and relax muscles, if you like toys, showers and i love to do parties ... and all I can beauty lingeries, heels, transformism. I love to do everthing in sex i am Active and passive. definiately if you are interested to have one incredible you call me I HAVE: POPERS, VINIL, VIBRATOR, something tell me and i see!! KISS very hot SEE YOU SON SPEAK ENGLISH PARLET FRENCH FALO PORTUGUES HABLO ESPAÑOL LITTLE OF GERMENY !



HELLO MOI CHERIS ! Je suis une belle jeune  transexuelle de classe , mon nom cest Ts Patricia, tres feminine, jeune avec une sensualite incroyable. VIENT ESSAYER UNE PETIT FILLE AVEC A GRAND SURPRISE!!Sexuellement je suis tres active car je suis accro au sexe!! Je adore toute le formes de sex, JE ADORE EMBRASSE SUR LA BOUCHE AVEC MOI LANGUE, je aime FAIS le amour avec toi mon bebe, je suis habitue  aux debutants, couples et monsieur murs.j'adore controler un homme et fais la domination hard. 
Mais si tu preference cest une transexuelle douce, sympa,sensual je suis perfect à effectuer.Je fais toute que tu veux mon cheris: BELLES SOIREES, PATIENTE,J'aime LES BONNES FETES BLANC DOMINATION SOFT, DOMINATION HARD,UROLOGIE,FIST SUR VOUS,JE A LE  VETEMENTS POUR TRAVESTISSEMENT, LATEX, VINYLE.VIENT VITE JE SUIS PRETE A JOUIR!! JE TRAIVALLER 24H/24H!!Je recois dans un apartment prive, l'hygiene irreprochable.

Hello my name is Patricia Hot, I am a very sexy girl with class and elegance unique. 
A luxury of girl available only for give you a perfect and hot time it me  , if you want a feminine girl i am perfect for that.'m sweet, calm, I love kissing. 
My weight 68kg, 1.70 high and a good and hot suprise for you my baby. 

I like to be it my babys in complete privacy and discretion, also If you want I can visit you in your hotel or in your home. 
I offer good drinks , sado light, gangbang with girls and trans, massage prostatic and relax muscles, if you like  toys, showers and i love to do parties ... and all I can beauty lingeries, heels, transformism. 
I love to do everthing in sex i am Active and passive. definiately if you are interested to have one incredible you call me 

I HAVE: POPERS, VINIL, VIBRATOR, something tell me and i see!!


Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Grenchen (Zentrum)
✅AVAILABLE✅ now 24/7WRITE ME! poppers Young-1.69cm feet 39cm / 59kg @coconuttaofik IG FOLLOWME ⭕️Ich habe nur Fans, wo Sie bezahlen können und wir werden einen virtuellen Termin haben oder ich kann Sie mit Ihren Anfragen zufrieden stellen wenn Sie neu und schüchtern oder ängstlich sind! Du kannst für meine Only-Fans bezahlen und ich kann deine Fantasien virtuell erfüllen ⭕️I do sex cam! You just have to enter my Only fans! and then we negotiate the price of the video call‼️ WhatsApp besser Neues Mädchen in der Stadt Sehr geil und Young Wenn du Süße magst, komm und hab eine gute Zeit mit mir ... Ich achte sehr auf intensives Wohlbefinden, Flucht und Entspannung in meiner Gesellschaft. Als Spezialistin für Anfänger werde ich Sie beruhigen und Sie ganz sanft neue Empfindungen entdecken lassen. Und ich lade Sie ein, außergewöhnliche Momente des Austauschs mit größter Diskretion und gegenseitigem Respekt zu verbringen. Und die Momente, die ich mit mir verbringe, werden privilegiert sein Ich strahle mit verträumten Augen und samtweicher Haut. Ich bin ein lateinamerikanisches Mädchen! gemischt mit Asiaten! Meine Haut ist sehr weich, ich bin haarlos! Ich liebe es, gut zu riechen! sei sauber Meine Wohnung ist sehr diskret, ruhig, mit perfekter Hygiene und leicht zu finden. Ich mache unser Treffen unvergesslich. //????????WhatsApp Better New girl in the city Very horny and Young If you like sweetness come and have a good time with me ... I am very attentive to the intense well-being, escape and relaxation in my company. Specialist in beginners, I will know how to calm you down and make you discover new sensations very gently. And I invite you to spend exceptional moments, of exchanges with the greatest discretion and mutual respect. And the moments that I spend with me will be privileged I am glowing with dreamy eyes and velvety skin. I am a Latin girl! mixed with asians! My skin is very soft, I am hairless! I love to smell good! be clean My apartment is very discreet, quiet, with perfect hygiene and easy to find. I make our meeting unforgettable. KISSES !!! // ✅ DISPONIBILE ORA ✅ SCRIVIMI! Giovane - 1,69 cm. disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7. Piedi 39 cm / peso 59 kg ????????whatsapp meglio!! Nuova ragazza in città ! Molto eccitato e giovane! Se ti piacciono i dolci vieni a divertirti con me... Presto molta attenzione al benessere intenso, all'evasione e al relax in mia compagnia. In qualità di specialista dei principianti, ti calmerò e ti farò scoprire nuove sensazioni in modo molto gentile. E vi invito a trascorrere momenti eccezionali di condivisione con la massima discrezione e rispetto reciproco. E i momenti che passerò con me saranno privilegiati Brillo con occhi sognanti e pelle vellutata. Sono una ragazza latina! mescolato con gli asiatici! La mia pelle è molto morbida, sono senza peli! Adoro avere un buon profumo! essere pulito Il mio appartamento è molto discreto, silenzioso, perfettamente igienico e facile da trovare. Rendo il nostro incontro indimenticabile. ✅ DISPONIBLE YA ✅ ESCRIBEME! Joven - Altura 1,69 cm. disponible 24/7. Pies 39cm / peso 59kg ????????whatsapp App mejor! Chica nueva en la ciudad!! Muy cachonda y joven! Si te gustan los dulces ven y diviértete conmigo... Presto mucha atención al intenso bienestar, la evasión y la relajación en mi compañía. Como especialista en principiantes, te tranquilizaré y te haré descubrir nuevas sensaciones ( tus fantasías ) de una manera muy suave. los invito a pasar momentos excepcionales de compartir con la máxima discreción y respeto mutuo. Y los momentos que pasaras conmigo serán privilegiados Brillo con ojos soñadores y piel aterciopelada. soy una chica latina! ¡Mezclada con asiáticos! Mi piel es muy suave, no tengo vello corporal . Me encanta oler bien! estar limpia (la higiene es muy importante) Mi apartamento es muy discreto, tranquilo, perfectamente higiénico y fácil de encontrar. Hago que nuestro encuentro sea inolvidable. Beso contáctame ya! (Morbo asegurado )
Cattsswiss Zurich Transex ✅AVAILABLE✅ now  24/7WRITE ME! 
poppers Young-1.69cm  feet 39cm / 59kg  
 @coconuttaofik   IG  FOLLOWME

⭕️Ich habe nur Fans, wo Sie bezahlen können und wir werden einen virtuellen Termin haben oder ich kann Sie mit Ihren Anfragen zufrieden stellen
wenn Sie neu und schüchtern oder ängstlich sind! Du kannst für meine Only-Fans bezahlen und ich kann deine Fantasien virtuell erfüllen

⭕️I do sex cam! You just have to enter my Only fans! and then we negotiate the price of the video call‼️

WhatsApp besser 
 Neues Mädchen in der Stadt
 Sehr geil und Young
 Wenn du Süße magst, komm und hab eine gute Zeit mit mir ...
 Ich achte sehr auf intensives Wohlbefinden, Flucht und Entspannung in meiner Gesellschaft.
 Als Spezialistin für Anfänger werde ich Sie beruhigen und Sie ganz sanft neue Empfindungen entdecken lassen.
 Und ich lade Sie ein, außergewöhnliche Momente des Austauschs mit größter Diskretion und gegenseitigem Respekt zu verbringen.
 Und die Momente, die ich mit mir verbringe, werden privilegiert sein
 Ich strahle mit verträumten Augen und samtweicher Haut.
 Ich bin ein lateinamerikanisches Mädchen!  gemischt mit Asiaten!  Meine Haut ist sehr weich, ich bin haarlos!  Ich liebe es, gut zu riechen!  sei sauber
 Meine Wohnung ist sehr diskret, ruhig, mit perfekter Hygiene und leicht zu finden.
Ich mache unser Treffen unvergesslich.

//????????WhatsApp Better
New girl in the city 
Very horny and Young
If you like sweetness come and have a good time with me ...
I am very attentive to the intense well-being, escape and relaxation in my company.
Specialist in beginners, I will know how to calm you down and make you discover new sensations very gently.
And I invite you to spend exceptional moments, of exchanges with the greatest discretion and mutual respect.
And the moments that I spend with me will be privileged
I am glowing with dreamy eyes and velvety skin.
I am a Latin girl!  mixed with asians!  My skin is very soft, I am hairless!  I love to smell good!  be clean
My apartment is very discreet, quiet, with perfect hygiene and easy to find.
I make our meeting unforgettable.

✅ DISPONIBILE ORA ✅ SCRIVIMI!  Giovane - 1,69 cm.  disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7.  Piedi 39 cm / peso 59 kg
????????whatsapp meglio!!
 Nuova ragazza in città !
 Molto eccitato e giovane!

 Se ti piacciono i dolci vieni a divertirti con me...

 Presto molta attenzione al benessere intenso, all'evasione e al relax in mia compagnia.
 In qualità di specialista dei principianti, ti calmerò e ti farò scoprire nuove sensazioni in modo molto gentile.
 E vi invito a trascorrere momenti eccezionali di condivisione con la massima discrezione e rispetto reciproco.
 E i momenti che passerò con me saranno privilegiati
 Brillo con occhi sognanti e pelle vellutata.

 Sono una ragazza latina!  mescolato con gli asiatici!  La mia pelle è molto morbida, sono senza peli!  Adoro avere un buon profumo!  essere pulito

 Il mio appartamento è molto discreto, silenzioso, perfettamente igienico e facile da trovare.

 Rendo il nostro incontro indimenticabile.

Joven - Altura  1,69 cm. 
 disponible 24/7. 
 Pies 39cm / peso 59kg

????????whatsapp App mejor! 
  Chica nueva en la ciudad!!
  Muy cachonda y joven!

  Si te gustan los dulces ven y diviértete conmigo...

  Presto mucha atención al intenso bienestar, la evasión y la relajación en mi compañía.
  Como especialista en principiantes, te tranquilizaré y te haré descubrir nuevas sensaciones  ( tus fantasías ) de una manera muy suave.
   los invito a pasar momentos excepcionales de compartir con la máxima discreción y respeto mutuo.
  Y los momentos que pasaras conmigo serán privilegiados
  Brillo con ojos soñadores y piel aterciopelada.

  soy una chica latina!  ¡Mezclada con asiáticos!  Mi piel es muy suave, no tengo vello corporal . Me encanta oler bien!  estar limpia  (la higiene es muy importante)

  Mi apartamento es muy discreto, tranquilo, perfectamente higiénico y fácil de encontrar.

  Hago que nuestro encuentro sea inolvidable. 
Beso contáctame ya! (Morbo asegurado )
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Zurich (8001)
hi my name nessma trans(shemale) arabic 25years old both very fiminine i like sexe my photos really 100% intagram:mahjoubneessma20 twiter:mahjoub_nessma i wait you my lover💕💕💕🔥🔥 مرحبا اسمي نسمة شيميل عربية متواجده حاليا في مدينة في لوزان 💫25 سنة بوث (موجب وسالب )جدا فيمينين أحب الجنس صوري حقيقية حقا 100%🔥🔥❤️ لا تدع هذا العرض يفوتك لاني ليستوا دائما متواجدة Intagram:Mahjoubneessma20 تويتر: mahjoub_nessma أنا في انتظارك حبي💕💕💕🔥🔥
Nessma arabic Lausanne Transex hi 
my name nessma trans(shemale) arabic 25years old both very fiminine i like sexe my photos really 100%
i wait you  my lover💕💕💕🔥🔥

اسمي نسمة شيميل  عربية متواجده حاليا في مدينة  في لوزان 💫25 سنة بوث (موجب وسالب )جدا فيمينين أحب الجنس صوري حقيقية حقا  100%🔥🔥❤️ لا تدع هذا العرض يفوتك لاني ليستوا دائما متواجدة
تويتر: mahjoub_nessma
أنا في انتظارك حبي💕💕💕🔥🔥
Nessma arabic
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
ONLYFANS : @Maya.mariiah Hello, my name is Maya Mariah, I'm Brazilian, I'm 25 years old, 1.78 tall, 65 kg, feminine, smelling good, well dressed, and I have a surprise 9 INCHES. Always ready to satisfy, experienced with beginners and a totally different encounter, nothing robotic, I can be a very dominating girl or even a sexy and unique girl being passive. 🍑🍆💦 I love playing FETISH and FANTASY, I have BDSM accessories (vibrators, straps, gags and whips) and I love forbidden white parties and discovering your most intense desires. I am very experienced and patient with beginners, I carry out feminization according to your desires with clothes, heels, makeup and hair. I am 100% REAL!! YES, I EXIST!! You can also check me out on my Instagram IG: @maya.mariiah just real photos and videos. Available for INCALL AND OUTCALL See you soon
MAYA XL Zurich Transex ONLYFANS : @Maya.mariiah

Hello, my name is Maya Mariah, I'm Brazilian, I'm 25 years old, 1.78 tall, 65 kg, feminine, smelling good, well dressed, and I have a surprise 9 INCHES.

Always ready to satisfy, experienced with beginners and a totally different encounter, nothing robotic, I can be a very dominating girl or even a sexy and unique girl being passive. 🍑🍆💦

I love playing FETISH and FANTASY, I have
BDSM accessories (vibrators, straps, gags and
whips) and I love forbidden white parties and discovering your most intense desires. I am very experienced and patient with beginners, I carry out
feminization according to your desires with
clothes, heels, makeup and hair.

I am 100% REAL!! YES, I EXIST!! You can also check me out on my Instagram IG: @maya.mariiah just real photos and videos.


See you soon
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Hello TS-DATING.COM ABOUT ME: My name is TS Jane, I am a well-established companion based in the USA. I am a gorgeous, classy, ultra-feminine, ultimately passable Filipina-American Goddess with a captivating and charming personality. My eyes and my smiles say it all. My statistics are 36DDD-28-40. I stand 5'5”, weigh 150lbs, with smooth caramel skin, luscious lips, dark brown eyes, matching that curvy body. I cater to a well mannered and upscale gentleman who will spoil a woman like myself with a wonderful time. Please be clean and freshly showered before meeting me and please be serious in making appointments with me since my time is very precious and valuable to me. I offer incall/outcall, FMTY, virtual dates, dinner dates, BDSM and certain fetishes Subscribe to my Onlyfans to see exclusive pictures and videos. INVESTMENT: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM TIKTOK @BabylonHeaux SNAPCHAT @TheBabylonHeaux For XXX photos and videos, Subscribe Now! PREBOOK NOW by EMAILING ME at [email protected]
asiantsjane Zurich Transex Hello TS-DATING.COM


My name is TS Jane, I am a well-established companion based in the USA. 

I am a gorgeous, classy, ultra-feminine, ultimately passable Filipina-American Goddess with a captivating and charming personality. My eyes and my smiles say it all.

My statistics are 36DDD-28-40. I stand 5'5”, weigh 150lbs, with smooth caramel skin, luscious lips, dark brown eyes, matching that curvy body.

I cater to a well mannered and upscale gentleman who will spoil a woman like myself with a wonderful time. Please be clean and freshly showered before meeting me and please be serious in making appointments with me since my time is very precious and valuable to me.

I offer incall/outcall, FMTY, virtual dates, dinner dates, BDSM and certain fetishes

Subscribe to my Onlyfans to see exclusive pictures and  videos. 


TIKTOK @BabylonHeaux
SNAPCHAT @TheBabylonHeaux

For XXX photos and videos, Subscribe Now!

Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Hi, my dears, are you okay? I'm Ayla Sophia... a luxury trans and new in town and I'm here to drive you crazy, with my provocative manner and my delicious way of having sex... I'm 21 years old, 1.70 tall, very tanned skin, Latina... Provocative look. My breasts are natural and perky, my body is toned and my big and greedy butt will drive you crazy. I'm an elegant and sexy girl, I'm always well dressed, I love to take care of myself and be taken care of. Oh, I have a very thick 21cm dowry for those of you who like it... I'm a very attentive and careful trans. Both with beginners and with the most experienced. I'm not in a hurry for sex and I don't have any script either. I think the important thing is pleasure... I don't care if you're active or passive... I'll be whatever you want and give you unique and unforgettable moments fulfilling your fetishes... And fantasies that you've wanted to fulfill for so long... Come without fear and I guarantee that you won't regret it. I'm working from my own well-located and very discreet location. I work in hotels and motels throughout the region... I'm also available 24 hours a day... Just call me 30 minutes in advance to schedule your appointment... I work with men and couples. I can be your girlfriend too. I guarantee you total discretion for those lucky gentlemen who I graciously offer the opportunity to spend time with them. My clientele is select and limited. I expect my clients to be respectful and courteous, and I'll reciprocate. I'm eagerly waiting for you. Big kiss 😘🌹❤️😊
Aya latin Basel Transex Hi, my dears, are you okay? I'm Ayla Sophia... a luxury trans and new in town and I'm here to drive you crazy, with my provocative manner and my delicious way of having sex... I'm 21 years old, 1.70 tall, very tanned skin, Latina... Provocative look. My breasts are natural and perky, my body is toned and my big and greedy butt will drive you crazy. I'm an elegant and sexy girl, I'm always well dressed, I love to take care of myself and be taken care of. Oh, I have a very thick 21cm dowry for those of you who like it...
I'm a very attentive and careful trans. Both with beginners and with the most experienced. I'm not in a hurry for sex and I don't have any script either.
I think the important thing is pleasure...
I don't care if you're active or passive...
I'll be whatever you want and give you unique and unforgettable moments fulfilling your fetishes...
And fantasies that you've wanted to fulfill for so long... Come without fear and I guarantee that you won't regret it.
I'm working from my own well-located and very discreet location.
I work in hotels and motels throughout the region... I'm also available 24 hours a day...
Just call me 30 minutes in advance to schedule your appointment... I work with men and couples. I can be your girlfriend too. I guarantee you total discretion for those lucky gentlemen who I graciously offer the opportunity to spend time with them. My clientele is select and limited. I expect my clients to be respectful and courteous, and I'll reciprocate. I'm eagerly waiting for you. Big kiss 😘🌹❤️😊
Aya latin
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Basel (Saint louis)
✨✨ Escort High Class✨✨✨✨ 
Hello I am Lia..💄 exclusive!!.. Super feminine, Gorgeous and very horny! I have an amazingly sensuous model's body - toned and smooth, educated and classy. and a very perverted mind. 📲🎀For information and appointments send me a message on WhatsApp🎀🥰 🔥Let me seduce you! OUTCALL & INCALL SERVICE !! Around the word🌎🌍🌏🔥 📌For the picture collectors,( I am sorry I do not send extra pictures)You can only see more if we meet. 📌
LiaClass Zurich Transex ✨✨ Escort High Class✨✨✨✨ 

Hello I am Lia..💄 exclusive!!.. Super feminine, Gorgeous and very horny!
I have an amazingly sensuous model's body - toned and smooth, educated and classy. and a very perverted mind. 

📲🎀For information and appointments send me a message on WhatsApp🎀🥰

🔥Let me seduce you!  
Around the word🌎🌍🌏🔥

📌For the picture collectors,( I am sorry I do not send extra pictures)You can only see more if we meet. 📌
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
I am in PRATTELN and perfect for beginners! Hello my name is Amanda, I have 33 years old 1.68 64 kilos very sweet. I offer you a massage and spend a pleasant moment of relaxation in my company. Thank you
gabriella28 Basel Transex I am in PRATTELN and perfect for beginners! Hello my name is Amanda, I have 33 years old 1.68 64 kilos very sweet.
I offer you a massage and spend a pleasant moment of relaxation in my company.  Thank you
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Instagram: @Laralizyo (Atendimento exclusivo por WhatsApp) Olá, sou a Lara, tenho 23 anos, sou versátil e ofereço atendimento vip e sem decepção. Procura um bom momento para relaxar? Encontrou a pessoa certa .Sou educada e muito gentil, ofereço meu serviço para pessoas de bom gosto… . Total sigilo e descrição sinta-se a vontade e seguro. Apartamento privado, limpo aconchegante…. Ofereço serviço de qualidade, minha satisfação é ver seu prazer e sentir também, claro. Vamos nos divertir? ? Me chame no WhatsApp!!
LaraCross Lausanne Transex Instagram: @Laralizyo
(Atendimento exclusivo por WhatsApp)
Olá, sou a Lara, tenho 23 anos, sou versátil e ofereço atendimento vip e sem decepção. Procura um bom momento para relaxar? Encontrou a pessoa certa .Sou educada e muito gentil, ofereço meu serviço para pessoas de bom gosto… . Total sigilo e descrição sinta-se a vontade e seguro. Apartamento privado, limpo aconchegante…. 
Ofereço serviço de qualidade, minha satisfação é ver seu prazer e sentir também, claro. 
Vamos nos divertir? ?
Me chame no WhatsApp!!
Hello, I am the beautiful NAOMI present for you, I will be here a few days and I invite you to my world of pleasure. I am BLACK GIRL XXL 21 CM REal 100%, sexy, smiling, with a hot, curved and real skin. My body is full of infinite sweetness and crazy creativity. I love life, the moments shared with men of very good company, because I like that they want to offer me indefinable massages that you expect. Look at my photos and let yourself be carried away by the desire of the senses. Then I will be your seductive goddess for your unique pleasure ... Privilege to the intermediate men, with a perfect hygiene and I reserve the option to accept or not our meeting between spoiled adults. I will also love your evenings, your dinners, your nights if you wish, but only in intimate places, of good taste and of high quality. My education and my refinement. Allow me to evolve in the world, I adapt to all situations in which you will be the most satisfied man of the present moment.
naomitop Biel Bienne Transex Hello, I am the beautiful NAOMI present for you, I will be here a few days and I invite you to my world of pleasure.

I am BLACK GIRL XXL 21 CM REal 100%, sexy, smiling, with a hot, curved and real skin. My body is full of infinite sweetness and crazy creativity.
I love life, the moments shared with men of very good company, because I like that they want to offer me indefinable massages that you expect.
Look at my photos and let yourself be carried away by the desire of the senses. Then I will be your seductive goddess for your unique pleasure ...
Privilege to the intermediate men, with a perfect hygiene and I reserve the option to accept or not our meeting between spoiled adults.

I will also love your evenings, your dinners, your nights if you wish, but only in intimate places, of good taste and of high quality. My education and my refinement.
Allow me to evolve in the world, I adapt to all situations in which you will be the most satisfied man of the present moment.
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Biel Bienne (Jurastrase 20) HELLO! AM SIRENA A HOT TRANS FROM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC! TOTALLY PRIVAT APARTMENT IN (ZURICH 8005) SUPER HOT AND VERY FEMININE! 166 TALL, 59 KILOS, GREAT BODY AND AMAZING ASS! Hi! Am Ariel a hot trans petit girl 166 tall /59 kilo! 22cm, and a Perfect Ass! I speak: English, Spanish, Italian and German. Come to have a hot moment,I have a great body, am a exotic trans dominicana with 22cm active and passive! perfect ass. I love all types of games. Fetishes, domination, p0pp3rs and Toys! I have a private and discreet apartment! Only you and me! Spoken: English, Spanish and Italian PHOTOS REAL 100 AND ACTUALS!
Ariel spicy Zurich Transex




Hi! Am Ariel a hot trans petit girl 166 tall /59 kilo! 22cm, and a Perfect Ass!
 I speak: English, Spanish, Italian and German.

Come to have a hot moment,I have a great body, am a exotic trans dominicana with 22cm active and passive!  perfect ass.
 I love all types of games.
 Fetishes, domination, p0pp3rs and Toys!
 I have a private and discreet apartment! Only you and me! 
Spoken: English, Spanish and Italian
Ariel spicy
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Zurich (Zurich 8005)
+41 779 79 92 15 Contact me by WhatsApp ☎️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ TS Leticia XL in Geneve ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ✅ +41 779 79 92 15 WHATSAPP. At LUXURY FLAT Available 24h Hi sweetheart, I am beautiful T-Girl with a great soft skin fully presenting a perfect feminine appearance. Present utterly heart throbbing factors! I want to invite you to spend some quality time with me. I make the best company because I am always sure to make you feel welcomed and happy when we see each other. Here are my latest 100% accurate pictures. Don't be surprised to find me even better in person! I am an incomparably exotic TS with striking features, most demand ladies among those with really discriminating taste. DONATIONS VIP-GFE ..Etc... If you are upsacle gentleman who enjoys the finer thing in life give me a call..... Let start Making memories...... Make your appointment in advance to secure your desired time frame..... Call to schedule an appointment ✅Phone Number : +41 779 799 215 WHATSAPP I SPEAK : ENGLISH , FRENCH AND SPANISH
Leticiarange Geneva Transex +41 779 79 92 15 Contact me by WhatsApp ☎️ 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  TS Leticia XL in Geneve   ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  ✅  

+41 779 79 92 15 WHATSAPP.    

At LUXURY FLAT Available 24h

Hi sweetheart, 
I am beautiful T-Girl with a great soft skin fully presenting a perfect feminine appearance. Present utterly heart throbbing factors!

I want to invite you to spend some quality time with me. I make the best company because I am always sure to make you feel welcomed and happy when we see each other. 

Here are my latest 100% accurate pictures. Don't be surprised to find me even better in person! I am an incomparably exotic TS with striking features, most demand ladies among those with really discriminating taste. 


VIP-GFE ..Etc...

If you are upsacle gentleman who enjoys the finer thing in life give me a call.....

Let start Making memories......

Make your appointment in advance to secure your desired time frame.....

Call to schedule an appointment 

 ✅Phone Number : +41 779 799 215 WHATSAPP 

Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Geneva (1206)
In GENEVE Now first time !!! Hello I am Mistress Carol XXL …. Dressed as in the pictures . I revel in the art of seduction. I love nothing more than to tease a man so mercilessly that he cannot resist succumbing to me. I am a professionally trained and highly experienced Dominatrix who will guide you through an intoxicating world of temptation, anticipation, desire and pleasure. I enjoy role play, tie and tease, feminisation, anal play, forced bi, humiliation, hypnosis, corporal punishment, medical play and more. I am your Temptress, Governess, kinky TS Girlfriend, Confidante, Keyholder or irresistible Mistress. Available 24h ✅In GENEVE for the first time and for few days only
Mistres Carol Geneva Transex In GENEVE  

 Now first time !!! 

Hello I am Mistress Carol XXL …. Dressed as in the pictures . 

I revel in the art of seduction. I love nothing more than to tease a man so mercilessly that he cannot resist succumbing to me.

I am a professionally trained and highly experienced Dominatrix who will guide you through an intoxicating world of temptation, anticipation, desire and pleasure. I enjoy role play, tie and tease, feminisation, anal play, forced bi, humiliation, hypnosis, corporal punishment, medical play and more.

I am your Temptress, Governess, kinky TS Girlfriend, Confidante, Keyholder or irresistible Mistress.

Available 24h

✅In GENEVE for the first time and for few days only
Mistres Carol
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Geneva (1206)
I’m Erika from Brazil, it’s my first time in the country…Dubái my services are full, and I’m always in a cozy place to receive you. I speak 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese). And I can make outcall as well if you want. I can’t wait to receive your message/call.
erikamunizx Geneva Transex I’m Erika from Brazil, it’s my first time in the country…Dubái  my services are full, and I’m always in a cozy place to receive you. I speak 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese). And I can make outcall as well if you want. I can’t wait to receive your message/call.
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Actriz porn trans 100% real venezuelan look more of me in google with my name lexiebeth porn Instagram : lexierojasoficial More videos in onlyfans lexiebethrojas
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Lexiebeth po
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Hello babes, I'm a latin shemale my photos are recent, natural and without photoshop, i'm very hot girl on the bed, I am here to make all your fantasies come true, I am active and passive, I really like kissing, sucking, fucking etc etc and also i like party if you want to know more about me just write me
Yaiza Zurich Transex Hello babes, I'm a latin shemale  my photos are recent, natural and without photoshop,  i'm  very hot girl on the bed, I am here to make all your fantasies come true, I am active and passive, I really like kissing, sucking, fucking etc etc and also i like party if you want to know more about me just write me
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
LA BOMBA PIÙ SEXY POTENTE cubana piu dotata arrivata !! VERAMENTE dotatta calda foto reale 100% niente fregatura la mia promessa: entrare nella relativa mente, portare a termine e trasformare i relativi sogni e desideri in realtà. 1,80 di altezza, 25 cm realissimiiiiii molto molto calda e soprattutto paziente.. Ti apro gia nuda com cazzo gia in tiro… 💥Bellissima porcona insuperabile... trasgressiva cavalla... tutta da montare... molto vogliosa e sempre in tiro!!!!sensuale ... Femminile... aperta a tutto!! con un bastone di fuoco sempre carico e pieno di panna💥 ho veramente un cazzo groso grandi ti apro la porta com cazzo fuori cosi inizia a suchiare per bene il mio bastone foto reale 100% 🔥sono piu attiva (ti lo faccio sentire per bene fino in fondo).... anche passiva (una vera femmina dolce e delicata).... disponibile anche per festina💥💥 🤩 per uomo e coppie
Jady cubana Zurich Transex LA BOMBA PIÙ SEXY 

POTENTE cubana piu dotata  arrivata !! 

VERAMENTE dotatta calda foto reale 100% niente fregatura la mia promessa: entrare nella relativa mente, portare a termine e trasformare i relativi sogni e desideri in realtà. 1,80 di altezza, 25 cm realissimiiiiii molto molto calda e soprattutto paziente..

Ti apro gia nuda com cazzo gia in tiro…

💥Bellissima porcona insuperabile... trasgressiva cavalla... tutta da montare... molto vogliosa e sempre in tiro!!!!sensuale ... 

Femminile... aperta a tutto!! con un bastone di fuoco sempre carico e pieno di panna💥
ho veramente un cazzo groso grandi ti 
apro la porta com cazzo fuori cosi inizia a suchiare per bene il mio bastone 
foto reale 100% 

🔥sono piu attiva (ti lo faccio sentire per bene fino in fondo).... anche passiva (una vera femmina dolce e delicata)....
disponibile anche per festina💥💥 🤩
per uomo 
e coppie
Jady cubana
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Salut tout le monde, je m’appelle Ditta, enchantée, avant tout je suis une délicieuse folle du sexe. J’aime bien me faire sucer et je suce profondément … jusqu’au fond de ma gorge… j’avoue que vous pouvez jouir sur mon corps et visage aussi. Je suis complice dans une pénétration pour tout le monde, je suis passive et j’adore pouvoir défoncer un cul ,aussi! C’est excellent! Mes disponibilités? Serait-il possible si vous pouvez me contacter une demi-heure avant? J’aime bien m’habiller en lingerie, mettre mes talons pour pouvoir vous ouvrir la porte en toute discrétion. Je ne suis pas d’accord avoir des appels pour rien, pour des bla bla bla à perdre du temps, je suis une professionnelle dans le cadre à offrir du plaisir que seras partager. Je vous attends derrière mon téléphone pour vous entendre ou vous répondre par des messages sans prise de tête. Dans le rendez-vous je suis complice, il faut savoir que je suis habituée avec les merveilleux novices, que j’adore! Merci de me lire gros bisous a toute Ditta.
TsDitta Montueux Transex Salut tout le monde, je m’appelle Ditta, enchantée, avant tout je suis une délicieuse folle du sexe. 

J’aime bien me faire sucer et je suce profondément … jusqu’au fond de ma gorge… j’avoue que vous pouvez jouir sur mon corps et visage aussi. 

 Je suis complice dans une pénétration pour tout le monde, je suis passive et j’adore pouvoir défoncer un cul ,aussi! 

C’est excellent! Mes disponibilités? Serait-il possible si vous pouvez me contacter une demi-heure avant? 

J’aime bien m’habiller en lingerie, mettre mes talons pour pouvoir vous ouvrir la porte en toute discrétion. 

Je ne suis pas d’accord avoir des appels pour rien, pour des bla bla bla à perdre du temps, je suis une professionnelle dans le cadre à offrir du plaisir que seras partager. 

Je vous attends derrière mon téléphone pour vous entendre ou vous répondre par des messages sans prise de tête. 

Dans le rendez-vous je suis complice, il faut savoir que je suis habituée avec les merveilleux novices, que j’adore! 

Merci de me lire gros bisous a toute Ditta.
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Hello Original Photos... I am what you see That's all! I receive you alone in my private apartment, cozy and super clean, 100% comfortable. ♥♥♥ I like peace of mind and take the time to make my meeting a success. ♥♥♥ Sexy, hot, fulfill all your fantasies... Active, passive, gifted Speaks French, English, Italian, Spanish I move too. My services: 69, Blowjob, Deep Throat, Lingerie, Sex, VIP Service, Light Domination, Fetishism, Erotic Games, Massages, Striptease Other fantasies? Come tell me!! I am pleased to meet a gentleman who talks about combining class and style. Call or WhatsApp 👄✅ ***** I don't answer hidden numbers. Thanks *****. I have my Covid certificate...I am blonde with green eyes tanned in a bikini, 176 al / 68kg /. 20 cm 🍆🤤 full of milk for you!!!!
BRUNAMARQUES Zurich Transex Hello Original Photos... I am what you see That's all! I receive you alone in my private apartment, cozy and super clean, 100% comfortable. ♥♥♥ I like peace of mind and take the time to make my meeting a success. ♥♥♥ Sexy, hot, fulfill all your fantasies... Active, passive, gifted Speaks French, English, Italian, Spanish I move too. My services: 69, Blowjob, Deep Throat, Lingerie, Sex, VIP Service, Light Domination, Fetishism, Erotic Games, Massages, Striptease Other fantasies? Come tell me!! I am pleased to meet a gentleman who talks about combining class and style. Call or WhatsApp 👄✅ ***** I don't answer hidden numbers. Thanks *****. I have my Covid certificate...I am blonde with green eyes tanned in a bikini, 176 al / 68kg /. 20 cm 🍆🤤 full of milk for you!!!!
Transsexuelle (non-operee)
Zurich (Zurich )

Jenifer Snow trans escort

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